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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



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Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing wishlist items. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Ascension Rx Hickman

Provides prescription assistance to uninsured individuals.

Services: Prescription Drug Return/Reuse/Recycling Programs

150 East Swan Street

Centerville, TN 37033

(931) 729-6798

Byhalia Family Health Center - Primary Medical and Dental Care Clinic

Provides primary medical and dental care with sliding-scale fees; services include WIC certifications for Mississippi residents, breast and cervical cancer screenings, immunizations, laboratory work, x-rays, prenatal and obstetric care and pharmacy with prescription assistance.

Services: Cancer Detection, Community Clinics, Dental Care, Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology, General Laboratory Tests, General Medical Care, Health Screening/Diagnostic Services, Immunizations, Mammograms, Pap Tests, Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs, WIC Applications/Certification

12 E Brunswick Street

Byhalia, MS 38611

(662) 838-2163

CHOICES Memphis Center for Reproductive Health - PEP and PrEP Services for HIV Prevention

Provides a PrEP and PEP medications for adults at high risk of HIV contagion.

Services: HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication

1203 Poplar Avenue

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 274-3550

Columbia CARES

Provides HIV prevention education, rapid HIV testing, and social services, including food pantry, rent and utility assistance and other help, for people living with HIV/AIDS residing in the 12-South Central counties of Middle Tennessee.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, Children's Clothing, Diapers, Food Pantries, Formula/Baby Food, Gas Money, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Testing, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

1202 S James Campbell Boulevard

Suite 8-B

Columbia, TN 38401

(931) 381-0114

Dispensary of Hope - St. Thomas Plaza Pharmacy

Provides assistance with medications to uninsured Tennessee residents.

Services: Prescription Drug Return/Reuse/Recycling Programs

4230 Harding Road

Suite A - 214 Plaza Pharmacy at Saint Thomas West Hospital

Nashville, TN 37205

(615) 222-6216

ETSU - Johnson City Charitable Pharmacy

The ETSU Charitable Pharmacy provides medications to qualifying individuals.

Services: Pharmacies, Prescription Expense Assistance, Prescription Medication Services

2151 Century Lane

In: Johnson City Community Health Center

Johnson City, TN 37604

(423) 929-6916

FamilyWize Community Services Partnership - Prescription Discount Card

Provides a prescription discount card for medications not covered by insurance at participating pharmacies, with an average savings of 45% off the pharmacy's usual retail price of prescription drugs, with the highest savings on generic drugs.

Services: Prescription Drug Discount Cards, Prescription Expense Assistance

99 High Street, Floor 28

Boston, MA 02110

Friends For All - The Corner

Provides pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis treatment for HIV prevention without cost regardless of insurance status.

Services: HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

806 S Cooper Street

The Corner - Friends for Life

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 896-0739

Good Samaritan Center of Loudon County - Emergency Assistance

The Good Samaritan Center is an assistance ministry serving Loudon County residents' critical needs, including: food, utility bills, clothing and household items, school supplies for Lenoir City and Loudon County students, rent assistance, food for pets, Thanksgiving baskets, and pharmacy assistance.

Services: COVID-19 Control, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Food Pantries, Free School Supplies, General Clothing Provision, Pet Food, Prescription Medication Services, Rent Payment Assistance, Thanksgiving Baskets, Utility Service Payment Assistance

119 N. A Street

Lenoir City, TN 37771

(865) 986-1777

InterFaith Health Center - Knoxville - Medical Clinic

Provides on-site primary care for the working, uninsured.

Services: Community Clinics, Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs

315 Gill Avenue

Knoxville, TN 37917

(865) 546-7330

Viewing 1-10 of 20 results (listed by best match)
